Name: -DYPSIS Forficifolia {Id Code}

     Species: -Palms {Price.}
   Description: -A very attractive small Dypsis. There seems to be about 3 to 4 in the group that all look very similar as seedling in fact you can not tell the difference until the palm is at least 4 to 5 years old. They are; D. Hildebrandtii, D. Lanziana, D. Coracea, D. Lutea, D. Forciforlia has two leaf forms both make reddish new leaves and will clump at an early stage very easy to grow and will tolerate most soil types seems to be quite cold tolerant. And will take a little more light than most of the other small dypsis.   
   Growing Climate: -Temperature -1.C to 35.C. Make sure to mulch the garden and fertilize once a year. "Makes an excellent indoor pot plant".   
